Lactation / Infant Feeding
Lactation Resources
CDC "Breastfeeding” - Informational page on breastfeeding, the benefits, special circumstances, and FAQ. - Evidence based information on lactation and infant feeding.
Paced Bottle Feeding - Video on Paced Bottle Feeding.
Stanford Medicine “Hands on Pumping” - Video on how to maximize milk output with lactation.
Stanford Medicine “Hand Expression” - Video on how to hand express.
CDC breastmilk storage + preparation - Storage + preparation of breastmilk.
CDC preparation + storage of formula - Storage + preparation of formula.
Infant Risk Center - Evidence based information on medication and lactation.
U.S. Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) - Lactation Laws & Legislation. “Power Outage” - Article on what to do with stored milk during a power outage.